
Unfortunately, if you’ve received unwanted stretch marks from pregnancy, weight gain, or weight loss, it doesn’t look like there is any easy way to get rid of them.

Dr. Roshini Raj, medical editor of Health magazine, reveals there is no cure-all lotion or cream that will reliably erase the stretch marks that start out red or purple, then fade to white over time.

However, she does give some tips on prevention and (pricey) treatment.

While it’s virtually impossible to avoid skin stretching during pregnancy, she recommends staying hydrated and exercising regularly to improve circulation to your skin to maintain elasticity.

Although some women swear by them, there is no scientific evidence to back up the various belly rubs marketed toward pregnant women that help prevent stretch marks, but they do contain ingredients that help retain moisture.

The best, but unfortunately most expensive method of eliminating stretch marks is seeking the help of a board-certified dermatologist for micro-dermabrasion or a chemical peel.

The procedures slowly remove layers of scarred skin tissue, but can cost up to $600 a session and require about six treatments on any spot that needs work!

Sorry, ladies! Sounds like your best bet is to talk to your dermatologist to figure out the best plan that works for both your body and budget.

Originally published on Perez Hilton