5 Habits Hurting Your Immune System
This article originally appeared on Bustle.com
The occasional winter cold is to be expected. The air is dry, the weather sucks and everyone else is sniffling, so at least we’re not alone. But now that spring is here (it is, right?!) the last thing we want is to be stuck inside, slurping chicken soup, eating raw garlic and dozing off in between reruns of Melrose Place. So if you’re plowing through sick days and a regular at your local pharmacy, Old Man Winter is no longer a viable excuse — your personal habits may be to blame.
To get the scoop on surprising immunity-busters, we turned to Roshini Raj, M.D., assistant professor of medicine at New York University and author of What the Yuck?: The Freaky and Fabulous Truth About Your Body. Avoid these lifestyle mishaps, and that cold/flu/cough won’t stand a chance.
Skipping SoulCycle once in a while isn’t the worst thing in the world, but regular workouts should be a top priority. “Exercise slows down the release of stress-related hormones, like cortisol, which can weaken your immunity and make you less able to fight off viruses and bacteria once they get hold of your body.” Aim to get the CDC-recommended 150 minutes per week and don’t forget that little things like walking and ditching the elevator for the stairs count too.
Besides speeding up skin aging and screwing with memory (even when you’re sober), sipping on too many cocktails could be the reason you’re constantly sniffling. “Drinking too much alcohol can weaken the linings of your mouth and esophagus, making it easier for bacteria and viruses to attack your body. Alcohol also weakens the protective functions of cells and molecules,” Raj says. This impairment taxes cells and makes it hard for them […]